Weight Loss Sudden Pain
Weight Loss Sudden Pain. It might indicate an underlying condition. Sudden loss of weight, heavy loss of stamina, getting tired very fast, Severe pain in calf muscles [below knee joints], reeling sensation after heavy lunch/dinner, obesity, unhealed wounds/injuries/bruises/gum infections, excessive thirst/hunger, excessive urination.

See your doctor: Sudden weight loss without effort and worsening pain, especially if the pain is at rest or at night worse than days warrants a doctor's evaluation.
The bone pain lifted, but my weight started dropping.
Usually weight gain and severe fatigue are symptoms of hypothyroidism (low thyroid) - hyperthyroidism causes sudden weight loss, a rapid or irregular Besides a fever and body aches, symptoms of the flu are headaches, fatigue, cough, and runny nose. Significant weight loss can also be the result of an eating disorder, such as anorexia or bulimia. Unintentional weight loss & malnutrition are common in aging.
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