Weight Loss Journey Blog
Weight Loss Journey Blog. It will be filled with struggles, moments of pride and photos and quotes for inspiration. Gaining weight again triggered so many feelings and emotions, and now I see it Gradual change approach toward getting healthy, with personal weight loss stories, thoughts on diet, diabetes, chronic pain, high blood pressure, coping.

I was hoping that my weight loss blogs buddies can give me some ideas to share with you so that I don't fall off the bandwagon again.
Can u pls tell which app is that , that u used to track ur weight loss journey?
Hello fellow weight loss bloggers (or just general bloggers) As I'm typing this I've just realised I have a thing with the word journey, I have to blogs with journey in the title - this one 'Weight Loss Journey' and another newer blog 'The Journey for a Job'. After doing Medifast and getting a taste of being If anyone is just reading this feel free to scroll back to March when I had surgery. Weight loss progresses, albeit slowly at the moment.
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