Weight Loss Metformin Forum
Weight Loss Metformin Forum. I am a binge eater and my doctor told me that Metformin may make me nauseated so I am hoping that will deter me from eating My doctor put me on Metformin to help lower my bloodsugar and promote weightloss. A place for people of all sizes to discuss healthy and sustainable methods of weight loss.

If it's the metformin, maybe your dosage could be lower as long as your blood sugar is controlled.
Metformin reduces hyperinsulinemia (and the need for insulin injections) which can help with weight loss.
Metformin may also be called by the brand names Bolamyn, Diagemet, Glucient, Glucophage and Metabet. loss of appetite - eat when you'd usually expect to be hungry. This diabetes medication often results in weight loss, and doctors are looking into whether it can help people without the condition shed a few pounds as well. Did it help your Weight loss?
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