Rapid Weight Loss Causes Cancer
Rapid Weight Loss Causes Cancer. But when weight loss is rapid and unintended, it can signal a worrisome underlying condition. "Weight loss that includes other red flag symptoms like fatigue, fevers, change in bowel habits or pain should definitely prompt a phone call to your primary care provider," Jun says. Weight loss is common in people with cancer.

The underlying cancer and treatment-related side effects that may cause appetite loss are: Changes in metabolism.
It simply tells us that investigations may be needed to ensure that cancer is not the cause.
Weight loss that will get you close to the normal BMI range may greatly lower high blood pressure. If you think you have an eating disorder, talk to someone you trust and consider The following information may give you a better idea of the cause of your weight loss, but don't use it to diagnose yourself. This had been identified in the past with rapid weight loss and liquid diets, and can currently be See details: Rectal bleeding is caused by several issues including hemorrhoids, inflammatory bowel disease and cancer.
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