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What is the Definition of Body Mass Index? Determine Your BMI and Save Your Life - Living with obesity: Is your BMI too high for Life Insurance? Are you sure about that

Living with obesity: Is your BMI too high for Life Insurance? Are you sure about that

Obesity has become an epidemic and it is a massive problem in the United States today. It is caused from the accumulation of excess body fat. It is destructive to the health insurance and has shown to decrease our life-span. It is linked to a number of health issues. To determine obesity, body mass index could be the standard measurement utilized today. It compares an individual's height and weight to assist see whether you were over or under weight.

Living with obesity: Is your BMI too high for Life Insurance? Are you sure about that These are 15 Images about Living with obesity: Is your BMI too high for Life Insurance? Are you sure about that


First of all, we have to do not forget that we're each of us people with different physical structure, different metabolisms and in many cases different genes - which are all factors in determining our ideal weight. A healthy weigh calculator may help us determine exactly what is a least a difficult estimate of our ideal weight in line with the above factors along with a few others.

BMI Calculator Calculate your body mass index


Calculating your Body Mass Index is easy. You can calculate your BMI using either pounds and inches or kilograms and meters. The formula for calculating it in pounds and inches is: Your weight in pounds / (Your height in inches)2 x 703. The formula for calculating your Body Mass Index in kilograms and meters is:

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An example would be a grownup that is 5' 9" tall and weighs between 125 and 168 lbs. is considered healthy, whereas if she or he weighs between 169 and 202 lbs., he is overweight. If this same person weighs 203 lbs. or maybe more then he's obese. The bottom line is if one's BMI is more than 25 he could be overweight, of course, if it's higher than 30, he could be obese.

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BMI is not a primary measurement of body fat though. BMI is calculated employing a measurement that also includes both fat and muscle. So developing a high BMI is not necessarily a primary indicator of health threats. Athletes who train may have an increased BMI as a result of increased muscle mass. But a BMI over 30 is a superb indication which a person has grown extra fat.

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