Weight Loss Balloon Pill Ellipse
Weight Loss Balloon Pill Ellipse. It's called The Obalon balloon pill, and, as the title suggests Here's how it works: First, you swallow the pill, and it lands in your stomach, all while it remains attached to a thin tube. Although the FDA has approved five medications for weight loss, they don't work for everyone, and side effects, such as higher blood pressure and nervousness, can make them not work for some.

Although the FDA has approved five medications for weight loss, they don't work for everyone, and side effects, such as higher blood pressure and nervousness, can make them not work for some.
It is manufactured as the Eclipse device but is being called the "balloon pill." Building on this, Balloon Weight Loss Pills work by helping you reduce the amount of food you eat.
The Obalon Balloon System is a swallowable intragastric stomach balloon system indicated for temporary use to facilitate weight loss in adults with obesity. Colors, art, decorations and interior are put together to stimulate, inspire and create extra motivation and return for your well-spent efforts in Ellipse. It is performed in an outpatient setting under a mild sedative or light anaesthetic.
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