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Recipe: Perfect Stuffed Tofu (Tahu Isi) *Vegan

Stuffed Tofu (Tahu Isi) *Vegan. Today I'll show you how to make a vegan version of stuffed tofu or like they call it in Indonesia. Deep fried food is a common street snack in Indonesia. Numerous glassed booths line the roadsides with signs reading gorengan (fried food or fritter).

Stuffed Tofu (Tahu Isi) *Vegan Stuff your tofu, batter up and fry them to golden perfection. (Alan Benson)Source: Alan Benson. One of the most popular is tahu isi, or fried, stuffed tofu parcels. Slice through the middle, but not all the way, so that you can open the tofu like a bun. You can cook Stuffed Tofu (Tahu Isi) *Vegan using 20 ingredients and 9 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Stuffed Tofu (Tahu Isi) *Vegan

  1. You need 10 pcs of Fried Tofu.
  2. It's of Filling:.
  3. You need 3 of carrots.
  4. It's 1/4 of cabbage.
  5. It's 100 gr of bean sprouts (optional).
  6. It's 2 of spring onions.
  7. It's 1/2 of red onion or 5 shallots.
  8. It's 3 of garlic cloves.
  9. It's 1 tsp of salt.
  10. It's 1/2 tsp of pepper.
  11. You need 1/2 tsp of sugar.
  12. You need 1 tsp of chicken or beed or mushroom stock (optional).
  13. Prepare of Vegetable oil.
  14. Prepare of Batter:.
  15. You need 1 cup of plain flour.
  16. You need 1/2 cup of tapioca starch.
  17. Prepare 1/2 cup of corn starch.
  18. Prepare 1/2 tsp of turmeric powder.
  19. You need 1/2 tsp of salt.
  20. Prepare 3 cups of water.

Tofu puffs are stuffed with vegetables and then coated with batter that gives you crispy tofu (and stays crispy for long too). Yeah.just look at this stuffed tofu. As rustic as it can be and I can easily pop these inside my mouth and just claim that I'm too distracted to even count how many I've eaten. Tahu goreng, tahu isi and tahu sumedang are popular fried tofu snacks.

Stuffed Tofu (Tahu Isi) *Vegan instructions

  1. Cut square shaped fried tofu tofu become triangle shapes, take out the inner part, put aside..
  2. Chop onion, garlics, cabbage, and spring onions, shred carrots, pur aside..
  3. In a sauce pan, pour 2 tbsp vegetable oil, put chopped onuon and garlics into the sauce pan, stir it well until the aroma comes out..
  4. Add spring onion, cabbage, carrots, and bean sprout, sprinkle some salt, sugar,pepper, and stock, stir it well. Cover the sauce pan, check and stir it properly until all veggies are cooked..
  5. In a mixing bowl, mix all flour and starch well, add turmeric powder, and salt, mix them well. Gradually pour water while stiring it, stop pouring the water when the batter is not to thick and not watery..
  6. Take fried tofu, fill it up with vegetable mix, do the same thing for the whole 20 tofu..
  7. Pre-heat cooking oil in a fryung pan..
  8. Deep filled tofu into batter and deep fry it in while the oil heates up, turn to the other side while they turn golden..
  9. Stuffed tofu is ready to be served, you can also enjoy them with some sauce or mayonaise..

In Asian cooking, tofu is prepared in many ways, including raw, stewed, stir-fried, in soup, cooked in sauce, or stuffed with fillings. Tahu Isi name makes sense more which is meant stuffed tofu; isi = stuff/fill. You can always make these fried stuffed tofus go vegan by omitting the shrimp. Fried stuffed tofus (tahu isi/tahu berontak/gehu/tahu susur/tahu bunting) are very common to be found any street food sellers that. So I wrote Tofu For Beginners to give you a brief introduction to the different types of tofu and its preparation.

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